
Thank you for visiting our booth at CBC 2015 in Portland

It was a pleasure to introduce our products and to spend the time with you. We are looking forward to continued cooperation and to meeting you at future exhibitions.

Dear business partners,

we would like to inform you, that company registered address has been changed from 30th of March 2015.

Craft Brewers Conference 2015

Please take the time to visit our booth and check out our Inline Carbonation and Water Deaeration units. We look forward to seeing you there!

Phone: +420 270 007 400
Fax: +420 270 007 401


15.10.2012 14:36


Visit our stand no. 6-130 in Hall 6.

Machinery and installations from international industry leaders, high-quality raw materials and innovative marketing ideas, efficient logistics solutions and operating equipment – Brau Beviale 2012 gives you a comprehensive guide to the marketand the basis for successful investment decisions in a friendly atmosphere.

Srdečně Vás zveme na odborný seminář v oboru procesního inženýrství se zaměřením na technologii míchání, který budeme pořádat 26. září v Praze ve spolupráci s odborníky ze společnosti EKATO.

Program, pozvánku a registrační formulář naleznete zde.

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